Everyday he selects someone somewhere in the world to thank.

Wow! This is a message from  reader of my book in the Netherlands. Everyday he selects someone somewhere in the world to thank, and I got lucky – today was my turn!  What a beautiful experience to be the recipient of this gratitude. Lerrie was nominated as most inspiring person of the year in his home country and from his thank you project, you can see why. Here is some of what Lerrie in Holland says…

Dear Christina,


Hereby I sent you a two minute positive thanks e-mail. That comes from positive psychology. I sent everyday to someone else from the entire world such an e-mail. I have been nominated twice as most inspiring person of my country and also as citizen of the year last year. I have been in different kind of national media with this project and spread the research to 10 million people.


I have bought your book in January 2013 and have done everyday yoga an average 1,5 hour a day for 5 and half year. Almost 2.000 days in a row and I want to continue for the years to come. Even on holiday and in the  hospital I have trained.


I want to thank you for your book! It inspired me to do yoga everyday and that helped me to create a strong pattern of optimism, happiness and grattitude in my brain. It also helped to get my master sociology 2,5 years ago. The yoga was so important for me! My brain and body has performed on a higher level because of the yoga and I could better cope with stress and setbacks. I didn’t expect to get my master when I start with yoga, but it gave me confidence and faith that it was maybe possible. We made a special program for me and after 1,5 years I got my master in sociology! My professor even called me the most famous just gratuted sociologist! And said that I probably didn’t expect this to happen two years before I got my master and he was right.


It also really helped me to recover from disease twice and prevent a lot of things! It also helped me to get stronger. I am now working with belly part and I have notice that my musicles are really growing very fast!


It is a very good book and it is possible to get a very diverse training everyday and it is also accesible for different kind of levels and it is also pretty challenging from time to time and that is great! I really like that there are so many things you can do in the book. That resonate really with me! I also like the pictures. In that way it is easy to see what you have to do and don’t have to read it everytime. I also like that the book is so compact. It is easy to practise outisde with it nature with the ducks.


I also like how you describe the theory of yoga and it helped me to understand it better and together with the research from positive psychology I now have developed more wisdom and I know better who I am.


I will continue the practise with your book and go after my potential!


Thanks a lot for your great book and it is also very nice that it is for different kind of levels. When I was a beginner it helped me to understand it and now it is still challenging!


I hope to read another book of you and I wish you all the best!


A big hug from the other side of the world!




Lerrie Grooten 30 years old sociologist from Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Learn more from Lerrie’s website: http://findyourselfamomenttogrow.nl/dankmail.html