10 Reasons Why It’s Good to Change Up Your Routine with Home Exercise
With social distancing in place a few clients have expressed their concerns about the idea of a live stream class. “I have two kids and a three bedroom flat so I can’t exercise’ or this feeling, “It’s not the same as in the studio.”
If anything can get us through this crisis, Yoga Nidra can.
Coming Friday April 10th, Christina’s long guided meditation experience evening too! This webinar has a theory and practical components. We will outlines what happens to our body under stress, including how we can better look after ourselves in times of stress.
Booking your First Online Class
How Do I book a Live Stream? Please DO check our schedule for each day of varied classes, times and teachers and do book in for the classes that interest you. Even if you can’t attend the live stream, do book in so we send you the recording! Click the sign up now...
Live streaming and prerecorded class launch…. And our sad news too.
Dear Wonderful Clients,
Firstly, We are going live tomorrow! Tomorrow at 7.30 am is our first Live Stream Class! (details below)
Important Message from Transform, Steps for you to take, plus free recording for your health
Newsletter sent 20 March Thank you everyone for so readily helping with extra hand washing, sanitising props and for staying away if you feel ill. We so appreciate your support. Please read this important information so we can all stay healthy, while we stay safe. We...
We wanted to let our community know what we are doing to support the good health of all our guests. Studio cleanliness has always been important to us. We are cleaning daily and we are wiping down and disinfecting screens, bench tops, barres, sinks.
Our Transform Community is so important and we want to keep you all safe and strong
Please remember to thoroughly wash your hands often.
Cover your cough with the elbow part of your sleeve to ensure the next thing you touch is clean
Chicken Noodle Salad Recipe
Quick and simple and, oh – how I love kaffir lime leaves direct from our plant on the deck – delicious! I poached the chicken in some leftover coconut milk we had in the fridge, but any way you want to do your chicken to shred will work fine. Enjoy!
Save the Date for the New Sisters Breathwork Circle – March 13
Something magical happens when we are supported, work with intention and then bring the movement through the breath. Come and see for yourself the power of the breath.
Does Your Movement Need to Move?
Are you capable of great endurance, power and fast action? Can you do some impressive moves? But if you are honest with yourself, is it possible you actually don’t feel that wonderful in your body? Or when considering your actual age, do you just feel old?