Dear Wonderful Clients,

Firstly, We are going live tomorrow!  Tomorrow at 7.30 am is our first Live Stream Class! (details below)

Secondly, Our first online library Transform at Home class is already launched and ready for you to practice to. And we have more coming soon. 

Thirdly, it is with great disappointment that we will have to pause classes at the studio for the next while. Our government has asked us to shut down our studio as an indoor sports venue. And new regulations aside, it is important to us that we respond with the same gravity as NSW in an attempt to keep our teachers and all you fabulous people, who all bless us with your smiles and good energy, safe and healthy. I want to say a big thank you to those of you who have reached out to me personally with positive messages at this time.  
We will turn our lemons into lemonade. We will still be there for you with fresh live classes (that you can keep and enjoy again) daily.
While our in in-studio classes will temporarily pause, our expenses as a small business will not. Your support during this time will help immensely and be greatly appreciated and ensure you have a local studio at the end of this.


We look forward to re-opening when we can, and will communicate further updates via push notifications and email. In your phone settings, please find our app and enable push notifications (Note: It’s not in the app itself, but on your actual phone).

These are not normal times but we can create some sort of normalcy and continue our routines through this time and stay safe.


Just as our instructors will miss seeing you up close, we can still see you from your screens (unless you prefer video off) and just like in studio, we will be opening the our virtual studio room 15 minutes before class starts to check in with you as you come online and keep our group strong and supported.


As we settle on our live class schedule, (I appreciate your patience as I navigate the tech) they will say “LIVE STREAM” on our schedule.  You can then sign into the class you want to attend live or receive the video recording of it for later use on our usual booking platform.  We will have a good mix of classes and a mix of lengths of classes. Besides enabling push notifications, for the live classes, please also download the Zoom APP.

If you want to be part of our first live class, sign up for tomorrow’s 7.30am class.
You will receive an email from Zoom or Transform 15 minutes before the start of class. You can watch on your laptop or device. You will be able to see and hear us and if you like, we will be able to see and hear you (unless you select audio or video off). We can’t wait to see you again at our virtual studio.  Click here to sign up for your classes.

Plan Ahead

If we have say, yoga live streamed but you really want Pilates, just plan ahead and book into a different Pilates class, even say, the day before. Then you will get your Pilates class in your inbox to do at your leisure.

Plan for Right Now!

If you you just have to do a class today (!!), we have our first on demand class up already (and more coming). You’ll use your web browser and this link to log into your account online, choose the ONLINE CLASSES tab and you will see our current available classes. (btw, you may have to disable to pop up blocks since your video will open in a new tab.) And you will need to have an up-to-date account to view the classes but you can watch and re-watch until they expire at the end of your class pack.

Stay healthy and safe everyone,
Let’s to this together,
We’ve got this!

Christina and the Transform Team