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Workout using Your Bub

Workout using Your Bub

Do you want to know how to use your baby as an exercise aide? Come along to our mum and bubs postnatal workout and find out how your baby can help you strengthen. You will stretch too and emerge feeling fantastic.  We are starting October 23 for 6 weeks.

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New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Is it the fresh way of doing strength work? Is it the way the support of the hammock allows my back to find a new flexibility I haven’t felt since I was 20?  it the way every class ends in a cocoon of love relaxation that cleverly seduces me into the ultimate bliss out zone. (Aerial classes release the body’s so-called “happy” chemicals: dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins.)  I can’t wait to share this with you and promise you will be able to do exercises you never thought you could do!  It covers all the bases. So whether you come to Transform for stretch, for strength or for soulfulness, Aerial Yoga and Pilates will have you smiling with satisfaction. We are still a few weeks away from being ready to greet you in the air, but stay tuned for our members invite only preview classes and if you can’t wait, book for our school holiday workshop!

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New Mum and Bubs Pilates Post Natal Class

New Mum and Bubs Pilates Post Natal Class

Enjoy incorporating your bub into your workout as you regain your pre-pregnancy body. Each class will strengthen up those body bits that are feeling just too soft. Our expert guidance will give you appropriate abdominal and pelvic floor exercises for the stage your body is now.  Each session will also stretch out the tight bits mums commonly experience; shoulders, back and hips. Suitable for mums with babies (newborns up to crawling and pre-schoolers 3+).

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This Saturday, Harness Your Cyclic Nature

This Saturday, Harness Your Cyclic Nature

This workshop for women of all ages and phases will give you knowledge and practical ways to connect with your natural rhythms, You will have the power to use your cyclic nature to your advantage so you work with nature not against it.
Expect to be welcomed into our warm space. We will sit in circle, enjoy a grounding relaxation, share, receive, sip on tea and enjoy the wisdom of woman’s mysteries.

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Come Fly With Us!

Come Fly With Us!

From October, you’ll be able to:

Discover inversions with zero spinal compressions
Find out how a hammock offers you whole new ways to work your core
Enjoy the support of a hammock to enhance your stretching and
Enjoy the most blissful floating relaxations ever!

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New Kids Yoga Term Ages 5-8

New Kids Yoga Term Ages 5-8

Kids Yoga utilises your child’s boundless energy with active stretch and balance. This short term of classes offers essential life skills with tools for relaxation and self-awareness – parents tell us they really notice the difference! Our Yogini Kids benefit from tried and tested techniques for self-calming, co-ordination and confidence in a fun, creative atmosphere.

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School Holiday Aerial Workshop – Open to Bigger Kids and Grown Ups

School Holiday Aerial Workshop – Open to Bigger Kids and Grown Ups

This workshop will put the fun into fundamentals as you experience all that aerial has to offer.

You will be guided into safe inversions, experience beautiful balances, and you will stretch and strengthen the body. After an aerial massage and  a deep relaxation floating in the hammock, you will emerge warm, stretched, relaxed and happy.

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Deep Tissue Roll and Release In Depth

Deep Tissue Roll and Release In Depth

What is Fascia?
Fascia is a specialised system of the body that has the appearance similar to a spider’s web or the white stuff you find on an orange. Fascia is very densely woven, covering every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as, all of our internal organs. Trauma, inflammatory responses, surgical procedures, and repetitive movement patterns create Myo-fascial restrictions that can produce unbalanced pressure within our bodies and affect our overall posture.

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Ma – A Useful Japanese Concept for Winter

Ma – A Useful Japanese Concept for Winter

The Winter hibernation encourages us to slow down, go more internal and just live a little quieter. And here I love the Japanese concept of Ma. Ma refers to the interval or gap between structural parts.
Ma is about space. It’s the part where there is nothing. It’s about pausing and taking breaks which so important for all of us.

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Schedule Your Sanity

Schedule Your Sanity

DO Bring your kids to class as you need to over the school holidays.

DON’T put yourself in the position where you have to play catch up with your health. Schedule your sessions for when school starts back. If you don’t diarise it now, you risk losing even more time.

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