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Deep Tissue Roll and Release

Deep Tissue Roll and Release

This workshop is a must for anyone who sits at a desk, drives a car, does sports, carries a baby, lugs too many grocery bags at once to save that extra trip from the car, runners, surfers – everyone really! 

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Try Our Teens and Tweens Aerial!

Try Our Teens and Tweens Aerial!

Our kids have fallen in love with aerial and we’re so excited to let you know that we are accepting new Students. Each class has two teachers in it that can take care of your child’s needs.

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“Let it Go” Through the Breath

“Let it Go” Through the Breath

Let’s face it we are in a stress epidemic. One of our keys to return to our centre and find peace is within our breath. When we take a long slow exhale/sigh, we send immediate signals to the part of our nervous system (parasympathetic) that releases commands to our organs…

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Launch Success!

Launch Success!

Circuit Pilates launched with a bang in January and you guys are loving it.

“Loved all the different sections, all worked well together and kept it interesting” – Kiani

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Stressed Out? Here’s How Conscious Breath-work Can Help

Stressed Out? Here’s How Conscious Breath-work Can Help

Let’s face it, we are living in massively stressful times. Life is busy and we are feeling the crunch! Being “stressed out” is a standard response to being asked “how are you” these days. Even the World Health Organisation formally recognised ‘burnout’ as a medical condition.

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Yoga Nidra Relaxation Delight

Yoga Nidra Relaxation Delight

Yoga nidra is a guided deep mediation that some believe is the most ‘scientific’ of relaxation processes. The reason Yoga Nidra practice works so well is that it ‘speaks’ to you on five different levels – the koshas.  The koshas are they layers of which we are all made, according to yoga physiology. 

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It All Starts Today! This is Your New Year.

It All Starts Today! This is Your New Year.

This is a natural time of gathering your thoughts and setting your compass for your new year. It naturally involves consideration of how you have been feeling lately. It opens us to follow our hearts by considering what we really love doing and want more of.

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