Events at Transform Yoga Pilates Barre

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Mother’s Day Share the Love!

Mother’s Day Share the Love!

Our Sunday Yin yoga is always a special way to spread the wellbeing and joy. Or maybe they’d like to try an aerial for a gift of endorphines and happy hormones!

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Is an Ergonomic Set-up the Answer to My Neck Issues?

Is an Ergonomic Set-up the Answer to My Neck Issues?

How many of you out there have the perfect office set-up? It’s been assessed, the desk is at the right height, the chair is just so and your wrist placement perfect. But somehow you still get a sore neck, headaches and achy shoulders.

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Sound Healing Immersion: Accessing Love

Sound Healing Immersion: Accessing Love

When we return to alignment and harmony within ourselves and our environment we begin to open the doorways to new and true experiences. We move more into and from a heart centred space, re-accessing our true expression as LOVE.

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