Christina Brown's Blog

Keeping it real
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The Power of Doing Less

The Power of Doing Less

We had a great family holiday in July and in an attempt to hold on to that lazy hazy holiday feeling, I have been trying to do a little less since I got back. It means turning down a few things, which goes against my default. I find saying no to things hard to do, especially when some of those things are fun and others I know will stretch me in a good way.

Read on for more and some inspirations by soccer players and jugglers !

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LunchBox Tips For Back To School

LunchBox Tips For Back To School

By Northern Beaches Nutritionist Sue Fisk

People think that as a nutritionist I must have wonderfully healthy children that will eat whatever ‘jam packed with wholesome goodness’ treat I put in front of them. If this was the case I would never have had the calling to make a career change to study nutrition. Believe me – I am very used to dealing with fussy children when it comes to food!

So what are the top 3 ideas

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Cool Soup Recipe

Cool Soup Recipe

I am convinced I make the best gazpacho in the world! Here is a great raw good recipe and so quick to put together. This super healthy soup from is light on your hips but tastes so rich on your tongue! I think the key is to let it stand for a couple of hours to let those cloves do their work and mingle with the other tastes. – Christina Here’s how:

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Are You Truly You?

Are You Truly You?

I am preparing for a workshop I love teaching on Saturday week. It’s on Ayurveda, which is sort of lndian sister science to yoga. And it offers us an eye opening chance to review how we have been living lately. In India it’s a five year medical degree to become an...

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Who Are You and What Are You Doing?

Who Are You and What Are You Doing?

An age old question was asked of me in a meditation the other day. Who are you? This one is a classic. And it’s tricky. As you can guess, you’re meant to dive a little deeper than just offering up a job title or a role such as mother/sister/partner/lover. Anyway, that day I feel I got the closest to who I am in a nutshell that I’ve ever managed. An answer came to me that I think I will stay quite pleased with for many years to come. Although I might refine it or change my mind, I really like this one:

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