Yoga to Live Music – Back by Popular Request

Yoga to Live Music – Back by Popular Request

Join us for this special Yoga class set to Live Music. Friday evening, September 9th we host an extended restorative yoga class with live music – the most soulful and nourishing experience you can have!

From the Horse’s Mouth – What does a BodyART class feel like?

From the Horse’s Mouth – What does a BodyART class feel like?

“I liked the class a lot, have booked in for the rest of term and wouldn’t like anything to change. I felt it most in my thighs, upper arms and also in my lower and upper back. I like how the class builds up and then slows down again towards the end. A really nice flow, which keeps my mind busy enough not to think about anything else.”

A Rapturous Existence

A Rapturous Existence

Watching my kids attempt the monkey bars makes me think of the classes we offer at the studio and how we help you get into a rapturous state of flow. We know that when you can achieve the flow state on a regular basis you’ll feel happier.
In positive psychology the concept of flow states has become popular thanks to