New Class Ideas

New Class Ideas

We’d love to hear your ideas about new classes we can offer at Transform Yoga Pilates Barre. Have a think and let us know!

Reminder This Sunday  Restorative Yoga  – Book now!

This is your last chance this year to soothe your soul at our chill out monthly class.  We start at 4pm for an hour of supported yoga postures where you will rest and re-energise while draped in yoga poses over bolsters, blankets, and foam bricks and even chairs. Then...
Identity and Authenticity 

Identity and Authenticity 

Imagine unzipping this skin, and stepping out of it. Underneath is a fresher ‘you’. A more authentic being, closer to the real you. Relax into this. If it feels good to stay here, appreciating a new freedom, stay.

Enlighten and Uplift: 6 New Meditations

Are you interested in:
* exploring expanded consciousness and deepening your awareness?
* stepping into some more advanced training and experience?
* joining a group with the goal of sharing a supportive meditation community?
* Finding a meditation technique you ‘click’ with?

Meditations for Anywhere Anytime

Learn this great new meditation from a series of Buddhist practices that show us simply and easily where we are holding stress in the body and how to release it without trying.

Facilitator Louise Gilmore enthuses, “It’s a great working tool and everyone I have taught it to absolutely loves it. You don’t need to be a long term meditator to ‘get’ this. It’s so clear and so effective.’

This series works on

May Meditators Update

  Thank for your support during the  May where our meditation groups raised $1553 in donations to Dalwood House/Spilstead Services, which assists local families. Besides the money we donated to their art therapy program, we loved raising general  awareness of...