Christina Brown's Blog

Keeping it real
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Spring Clean, Squeaky Clean

I confess. I have never had a proper toy clean out. Kids grow up and move on to new toy passions and a build up of old stuff just gets stuffed into chests and cupboards. And as the house fills with bits and pieces of toy paraphernalia crunching

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Tigers Above, Tigers Below

There is a story of a woman running away from tigers. She runs and runs, and the tigers are getting closer and closer. When she comes to the edge of a cliff, she sees some vines there, so she climbs down and holds on to the vines. Looking down, she sees that there are tigers below her as well.

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Time to hold on. Time to let go.

Time to hold on. Time to let go.
We are having first pass at toilet training our toddler. So far it’s involved a few long sessions of sitting on the potty during which she is read to, is fed her next meal, or can watch tv. All for a good cause – the ultimate trophy – a sticker on the fridge door. But I am impressed. As keen for as she is…

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Finding Your True North

While blowing warm air on my toddlers icy feet the other wintry morning, I asked my 4 year old if she knew where her heels where. ‘Yes’, she replied easily, ‘They’re near my socks.’

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Christina’s Blog

Christina’s Blog

Caught by the Yoga Bug They say an alcoholic remembers their first ever drink. Well, I remember my first ever yoga class 20 years ago. I also clearly remember how my hand used to reach just to the knee in Trikonasana. In time, I learned which poses I found challenging...

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The Yoga Bible

The Yoga Bible

The Definitive Guide to Yoga Postures by Transform founder, Christina Brown, is her best-selling book and has never been out of print for 20 years! This is also now available in over a dozen languages.

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The Book of Yoga

The Book of Yoga

by Transform Founder, Christina Brown, is a comprehensive guide to yoga. Suitable for beginners and more experienced students. This book covers philosophy, postures, yoga breathing, meditation and the chakra system.

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