Meditations for Anywhere Anytime

Learn this great new meditation from a series of Buddhist practices that show us simply and easily where we are holding stress in the body and how to release it without trying.

Facilitator Louise Gilmore enthuses, “It’s a great working tool and everyone I have taught it to absolutely loves it. You don’t need to be a long term meditator to ‘get’ this. It’s so clear and so effective.’

This series works on

Three School Holiday Strategies

Ten Dollar Teens

During school holidays teens can come to class for just $10. Come with a parent or a friend and enjoy!
Mums can bring

Meditation Magic

Take an hour out of your busy week to care for yourself with Meditation Magic.

This four week mini-course

Mother’s Day Treat for You!

Once the special lunches and brunches are over, and what better way to get out of cooking dinner on Mother’s Day? Our Mother’s Day special

Don’t miss out on your fitness over the school holidays!

Over the holidays, kids 11+ are welcome to come to join in to yoga or pilates class at $10 per child. Children 7+ welcome to attend regular yoga classes FREE along with their adult. Roll out our special sized kids mats next to you, and have them join in with the moves...