This is a heartfelt message from our expert Kids and Teens yoga teacher Jo Hemmingway about clarity and soulfulness of one of our little people. It’s gorgeous. Do read on.
Hey Christina,
I just had to share this with you before I go to bed.
Over the last few weeks, the gorgeous Tuesday afternoon 8-12 year old class have been taking it in turns (on their request) to tell the visualisation story during savasana. We have had a different child each week and what today’s visualisation leader said this afternoon was a reflection on what I drum into them most weeks – that they are all amazingly unique, strong and beautiful people. That we all have our own strengths and weaknesses, and that whilst we can’t control the abilities and actions of others, we can choose how we respond. Always with kindness.
I touched on ‘Satya’ today, which is about living in our own truth.
This child took us on this beautiful journey to one of their favourite places – the dog park. In short, a story was told of how some people don’t see the pleasure and joy in dogs, and think it’s silly or unimportant. But this child was persistent in his/her passion and talent for connecting with dogs, and didn’t mind if not everyone agreed. This child encouraged them to pat the dogs and told them how friendly these particular dogs at the park where. This little yogi knows that this is one of their talents and strengths and when this child hoped when the class participants would see each other at school the next week, that they would have learned that they all had strengths too – albeit different to each others.
The delivery was flawless, the passion was clear, and this student’s kindness and understanding made my heart melt. Every child in that class was quiet and still for the entire time.
I do feel so happy to be sharing my passion with these kids
Going to bed very happy 🙂