Special offer and New Classes


Did you know that 40% of mums DON’T LIKE their mother’s day gifts?

Some of you will have a knowing smile on your lips right now 😊

On past Mother’s Days I have donned mararoni necklaces and enormous fluoro feather earrings. I have worn scary nails proudly painted by toddlers and many times I have accepted the last thing my hips need, big boxes of chocolates. I have always been able to smile with appreciation at the love behind these gifts. (And actually, I did truly adore the pasta necklace.)

But since it’s nice to FEEL THE LOVE and LOVE THE GIFT too, we are opening the a loving gift to the loved ones in your life.


We invite you to INTRODUCE ANY WOMAN – be it a bestie, favourite aunt, your mum or daughter or a neighbour to a Transform class for an hour of HEALTH, VITALITY, PLEASURE and CALM.

At Transform we celebrate all women and we know YOU ALL DESERVE MORE THAN JUST ONE DAY so you we are celebrating YOU ALL the WHOLE MONTH OF MAY.

And what’s more, any friend of yours who signs up after their first visit receives TWO WEEKS FREE of their membership.

To book in your special person, just text their name and the chosen class to me  0402 970 020 during the entire month of May. Or reply to this email and we’ll book them in.