Ever since Sam S covered a few classes at Transform to rave reviews from you guys, we have been trying to find a permanent home for her in our schedule.
Happily, this day has come! Experienced yoga and Pilates teacher Sam will be taking on Monday 9.30 Yoga and 11 am Pilates classes. Christina will move to Wednesdays at 9.20am.
With over 8 years experience as a Pilates instructor, Pilates and Yoga teacher Sam comes with a depth of anatomical knowledge. And a true passion for mobility and working with your body rather than against it. When you come to any of Sam’s classes you will find a fun yet challenging class. It is driven by your presence and breath, a balance of suka- sthira, yin- yang, grounding- lightness, awareness- not taking yourself too seriously.
Coming from a background in dance and Pilates, Sam went on to fall in love with Yoga while living in Bali.
While it was the asana that drew her in initially, fluid movements and the strength that it created within the physical body, it just felt like home from the first practise. Many years traveling the world as a dancer lead to a feeling of instability. There was always a level of competitiveness trying to get the next job. It was only on the mat that she was able to come to the realisation that only person she was competing with was herself.
Sam’s personal yoga practise quickly evolved off the mat and became a way of life. She started to see her life truly blossoming and that’s when the passion for yoga was really ignited. Always a student, Sam has an enquiring mind and continues to explore western anatomy, physiology and eastern philosophy. You will find her classes influenced by the traditional Tantric teachings, and weaved through whatever the current astrological state may be.