Challenge and Empower Yourself to Optimal Health

Sensoma Warrior_SeaforthA boot camp style training session like no other. Interval based strength training with high intensity bursts will have your heart pumping, muscles quivering and leave you on an endorphin high for the day ahead.

Our trainer Graham will guide you through the same training plans he uses personally to stay at the top of his game athletically. Using combinations of kettlebells, sand bags and medicine balls you will definitely feel the burn, and be challenged 100%. Added together with moves borrowed from yoga and pilates to improve core strength, balance, agility and eliminate muscle dysfunction.

By the end of this 6 week program you will feel stronger, have lost excess body fat, conquered strength and fitness limitations, increased lean body tissue, improved sleep patterns, reduced feelings of stress and have energy to burn.

The sessions will run at 6am on Tue and Thu for 45 mins at Transform Yoga in Seaforth. The ADVANTAGES of the studio are dry option when wet, motivating music, fan cooled and close to home.

This warrior camp requires a separate payment to direct to Graham Skilleter  of SENSOMA and is not included in any studio membership pass.

grahamContact Graham on 0403 887 510 or email [email protected]