New! 13 November – Second Friday of the Month. What a great way to kick start your weekend!

This is an inner journey of profound relaxation and grounding. Let the expansive sounds of pure quartz crystal singing bowls combined with meditation help you access a much deeper, soothing and peaceful energy. Perfect for clearing away the business of the working week and resetting your energy for a more balanced and relaxed vibration. Also great for anyone with anxiety, insomnia and sleep disturbances, nervous disposition, high blood pressure, high stress, headaches and pain.

Each class is $22 and, as spaces are limited, needs to be pre-booked though Cherie. Here’s how to book for 2016.

Friday 13 Nov 6.30-7.30pm

Friday 11 Dec 6.30-7.30pmCB at Wellbeing Studio 260415

CV Looking skyward

Cherie is an Energetic Health Practitioner whose sound meditation sessions have built a strong following in the upper Northern Beaches. Now Lower Beaches residents get to enjoy this amazing experience too.

Cherie comes with a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. She has an expansive tool kit of modalities.

Each client that enters her practice receives a unique and personalized spiritual ‘tune up’ where a shift in energy is experienced on many levels. Cherie’s holistic and intuitive approach to wellness flows through to her client’s extended environment, creating a shift in the vibration of one’s life to bring forth positive relationships, a strong sense of self worth and the clarity to make decisions with ease. For more info contact Cherie on  0419 689 050.