Restorative Yoga Immersed in a Healing Soundbath

Our last soundbath event (which was in the hammocks) sold out and had our guests in awe.  This May 24th event is an earthed experience where we will use the support of props to help clear energy meridians, release tight muscles and open to receiving love. While Bella’s sound flows through your body, each person will be offered hands on releases by Christina (who besides her yoga teaching, worked for many years as a massage therapist.)

Let this healing bath of sound wash through you as your brain waves dip into delta and theta states over 90 minutes of slow supported stretches.  The immersion of sound bathing can stimulate many benefits on the body, mind, & spirit. With the resonance of Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, Japanese Koshi Bells, Native American Drum, and Tibetan Gong, you will be guided through a journey of vibration. This eases your mind into a state of relaxation, balance, rejuvenation, as your parasympathetic system restores you into a state of deep bliss and healing.

Facilitators:  Christina has taught restorative yin yoga since 1997.  Sound Healer Bella is dedicated to cultivating health, bliss and vitality.

When: Friday, 24th May
Time 6.30-8pm
Bliss Fee: $45 ($40 members)
$40 Early bird by May 17.

Bookings required online or at reception.