Newsletter sent 20 March

Thank you everyone for so readily helping with extra hand washing, sanitising props and for staying away if you feel ill. We so appreciate your support. Please read this important information so we can all stay healthy, while we stay safe.

We are staying open and there to support our wonderful loyal clients while we all ‘elbow kiss’ each other.  At the end of this letter you will find a link to an AMAZING hypnotherapy recording to help you stay strong. 

Online Classes for You


This week we have been filming classes so you will be able to practice at home to your favourite teachers should you prefer not to visit the studio. This will keep you strong in isolation. Please reply to this email to tell us your favourite classes that you would want for your library.


Live Stream Your Class


We will soon be live streaming some classes too so you can practice in real time from home with us. You can simply use our usual booking way to book into the class, just as if you were going to join us in studio. You will use your regular membership or class pass for this. 15 minutes before the class start time you will receive and email with the link to connect with us using your phone, tablet or computer.  I am doing my best to continue to provide work for our teachers and we really hope you can keep supporting your local studio and them at this challenging time. Stay tuned for updates on our prerecorded and live stream processes.  You will also be able to see indicated live stream classes on our usual booking system.


Please Update Your Preferences Now

From now on we will be communicating with you using push notifications. You can stay up to date as things unfold. Please can you now enable the push notifications in our branded app. If you don’t already use our branded app, download it from your app store. Then in your phone’s settings pertaining to that app, enable the push notifications. (you don’t do this within the transform app itself, but in the settings of your actual phone.)

Keep Exercising

Exercise is fabulous for immunity and strength. And for our mental health, helping to keep us calm in times where anxiety is higher. and for physical and mental health. Our teachers are not offering hands on adjustments for the time being and they will maintain a healthy social distance. We invite you to bring your own towel to cover bolsters and consider buying your own mat or eye pillow. Other equipment is sanitised after use.

New Class Maximums and Minimums

We have reduced class max numbers so you can be socially distant in studio. While we would like you to still be able to come to classes and our teachers to keep teaching, it is a tough time for small business. This means we will have minimum class numbers for classes to proceed. All classes will require a minimum of 3 for the time being. Classes that do not meet minimum numbers will be cancelled 2 hours prior or 9pm the night before for 6am classes.

Please Book Early to Ensure your Class Proceeds

Please check you are subscribed to have schedule updates though your account so you will be notified of any cancellations. (You can also check the app or online if your class appears or not) Should your class is cancelled you will always keep that class credit on our account. It automatically goes back on with the same original expiry date.

Thank You to All of You

Thank you for continuing to support the studio I have built with love over 7 years. It has taken quite a bit of missed bedtimes for my children, 4 am starts and fill in teaching 7 days. I really want
Transform to emerge out the other side and hope you all do too. Thank you for your understanding and support, and loyalty to Transform and your fave teachers.

 Help to Stay Calm and Immune

Here is a wonderful 15 minute recorded hypnotherapy on staying calm and bolstering the immune system, created this week for this time in our lives. It is PACKED full of positive messages to take in about staying strong, deflecting germs, and my favourite, using laughter as medicine.  It is created by a Northern Beaches healer Shan who we love at the studio. And you can find her on

If you click this link it will just start paying on your device:

We are still here to support you, in studio, online or live steamed.

-Christina and the Team