In our next Sister Circle with Lynsey from Rhythm of Breath, you will be guided to transcend your conscious mind, reconnect deeply with your healing superpowers and spend some time setting yourself up for a year of attracting a fabulous 2020!


Our body, breath and beliefs hold the key to our healing and transformation. We can let them hold us back or we can allow them to be our greatest SUPERPOWERS 🦹 🦸

Our Body holds the wisdom for our healing and when we are able to release stored energy, we rebalance and recenter our whole system.
Our Breath allows us to reach the core and depths of our being and unlocks and transforms the energy of that which is holding us back. We reconnect to our higher self, divine energy, soul’s calling 💨

Our Beliefs are stored at the deepest subconscious layer and create how we see and show up in the world, in our relationships and life in general. Rewriting our beliefs energetically shifts our whole reality. 🤩