by our new in-house kinesiologist Natalia Stanley

You are probably are well into 2019 now. Holidays might seem like a distant memory and everything is back to a usual routine. Are your intentions and self-promises to eat better, exercise more, meditate, loose weight, take up a new hobby or simply call your parents more often beginning to fading away? 

Statistically only 8% of people keep their New Year’s Resolution. Ever wondered why?

Here is why…

Wikipedia defines a New Year’s resolution as ‘a tradition, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behaviour, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life’. From a Kinesiology point of view, I can see a few problems with that statement, as it may push all the wrong mental and emotional buttons.

1. People are very resistant to change. This is, in fact, to do with our survival instincts. Our brain is wired to keep us safe, so it will do anything possible to stay away from the new and unknown that change brings. Our brain collects the information from the past ‘unsuccessful events’ and makes us settle for the least ideal situation in order to avoid a possible fiasco in the future. The problem here, of course, is we need change to learn, grow and develop. 

2. It is crucial to understand why undesired traits or behaviour are there on the first place. It is not always easy to grasp as the underlying reason or cause is usually unconscious and we are simply not aware of it. Very often the roots are in our childhood and may have developed as a response to a traumatic or stressful event. For example, emotional eating can be to do with unmet personal needs; and procrastination can be related to with the fear of failure.

3. Accomplishing personal goals is a separate topic all together. Is that goal right for you in the first place? What is the motivation behind it? It is crucial to separate our own desires from ‘the programming’ we all have from our upbringing, culture and social influence. Trying to fulfil other people’s expectations is exhausting! Trying to fulfil our own perfectionism is virtually impossible! You might be setting yourself up for failure from the start. Again, you might be not aware of that on a conscious level.  

4. Motivation vs Inspiration. Motivation is the process of stimulating people to actions and can be positive (gaining) or negative (avoiding loss). For example, you decided you need to exercise more this new year to become fitter, stronger, healthier – positive VS you want to lose weight – negative; (no one really wants to ‘lose’ anything, and your brain will register it as a stress. It is important to notice your potentially negative self-talk). The real result though will come from being inspired by your values. Such as loving yourself unconditionally, prioritising and nurturing yourself, therefore wanting to take good care yourself in the form of exercising. That will get you out of bed in the morning much easier than a critical self-image 🙂

Holistic Kinesiology is a perfect tool to discover and navigate your subconscious limiting beliefs. Kinesiology uses a variety of techniques to identify and illuminate the stresses associated with past experiences to unblock your full potential.  Kinesiologists are trained to use muscle monitoring – a gentle and safe neuro-muscular feedback system built-in to your body. It provides you with the ‘aha moment’ and helps you to connect the dots of your past experiences. Once you understand the possible root cause and become aware of why you are the way you are, it is much easier to change. 

Natalia will be running a free short workshop on how to Maximise the New Year to make 2019 Different on Sunday February 17th.
Read more about the workshop and find out how to book your place here. 

Natalia from Wise Kinesiology works in the Transform Clinic.
For more information go to
For your FREE ten minute discovery phone consult or to make an appointment please call 0450 446 494