Covid Studio Protocols

  • All visitors and teachers must wash hands on arrival. Sanitiser is freely available
  • Please do not attend if you have a fever, sniffle, cough or feel unwell. We offer Livestream and our On Demand Library of classes for your home use.
  • Classes numbers are capped and mats need to be correctly spaced out according to your teacher’s guidance. Aircon (cooling or heating) is always set during class to continually clear the air.
  • Please be respectful of all our guests by correctly distancing. It is important that Transform is a safe space for each individual. Let’s all be kind. Please recognise others may have a different threshold to you and assume everyone will want their own space 1.5 m away.
  • Staff are wiping high touch points regularly.
  • Please bring your own mat and props to class, where possible.
  • Our teachers will not be offering hands on adjustments for now. They will maintain a physical distance in class until further notice.

Sprayable Props and Mats

All our mats and our ‘hard’ props are available for your use and we supply plentiful antiseptic sprays and wipes for you to apply before and after use.

The barre is wiped down by the teacher after each Circuit Pilates Barre class.

Soft Props – Bring Your Large Towel or Blanket to Class

Please only take a bolster if you have your large towel to cover it. We will be washing covers more regularly but we can’t wash them after every use.

Please bring your own blanket and eye pillows for now if needed. For hygiene, we are not able to offer ours for use at the moment – sorry.

Aerial Hammocks Are Washed Regularly

Hammocks are taken down and washed regularly. You will always have a fresh hammock. If you own your own hammock please bring yours to class.