The sun is out, warm days are here and most of us are feel over the moon about Summer! Unless you are uncomfortable about swimming, that is. If so, Leigh White invites you to take a different view and prepare to wash away your hesitation, or downright fear, of ocean swimming or swimming in a pool. Here’s more info from Holistic Coach (and Lifesaver) Leigh.
If you or someone you know longs to enjoy the freedom to swim without feeling worried or anxious, this offer is for you. When we have negative emotional experiences in life, the trauma remains with us in subtle ways and blocks our capacity to move forward. These blocks can have been built up layer by layer, year on year, your whole life.
You become ‘stuck’ and this affects relationships, confidence, our sleep, feeling calm versus worry. If you are ready for change and want to manage your mindset, have confidence to enjoy the water like millions of others, it is no mistake you are reading this information!
Available for men and women, I use cutting-edge techniques to identify and clear self-limiting beliefs (and blocks) and this offer consists of an introductory session, one follow up and then, depending on your preference, we will go and enjoying safe swimming with an experienced lifesavers (including me!).
What do clients say about Leigh’s energy healing and coaching practice?
“I feel fortunate to have experienced such positive change since receiving the guidance and healing sessions with Leigh. Unfortunately, I’ve had a long history with anxiety, procrastination, poor self-esteem and everything in between.”
“ I’ve enjoyed chatting [confidential sessions] with Leigh because of her non-judgmental and calm character, and after the reiki session I just feel relieved, with a heightened sense of wellness.
I’ve had 3 sessions so far and I honestly feel like a different person, more confident, grounded, peaceful and productive.” P.L.
What to Expect: The first two sessions will consist of me discussing your current situation and views, relevant information, I will facilitate identifying blocks to your progress, and remove self-limiting beliefs and blocks, allowing clarity. The second session is to further balance and increase your clarity and confidence (in place of where blocks once clogged the way), and monitor your progress towards swimming. The third session will be a visit to the beach or pool and work to the appropriate level. Ongoing sessions are available. Investing in both your capacity to enjoy life by swimming, and your safety (to stay calm in the water). Total value $315 Discount if you contact Leigh before 23rd January @ $220.50 (save 30% or $94.50) Contact Leigh for an obligation free chat on M 0431 932 122 or via email [email protected]. A two instalment plan is available and please note this is not a “learn to swim” course.
Follow me on Facebook by searching “Leigh White Holistic Coaching” or Instagram “leebei17” and enjoy my informative and inspirational posts!