This term will be based on the chakras, which are energy vortexes which correspond to the elements and various emotional and mental patterns.  As there are yoga practices that support each element and clear the way for any blockage, our teacher Jo will be weaving these into each class.

Our teacher Jo works to ensure that each class builds on the previous class so there is an element of repetition and an element of new from week to week. Each week will have an intention set, plus a ‘goal pose’ related to that. Around these, Jo builds the physical sequences and adds in the ‘freestyle’ practices such as the group activities and other fun stuff!

The Root Chakra relates to the Earth Element. The yoga practice for this week will be a grounding practise – using poses that keep students close to the floor, talking about being supported by everything around us – the environment, friends and family. It’s about feeling safe and nurtured and having faith that all is well. This is a good place to start to build courage and confidenceknowing your child is supported.

Chakra 2 relates to the Water Element – The messages will be that your child is deserving of pleasure. It’s about doing nice things for ourselves – You are worth it!

Chakra 3- Fire We are more powerful than we realise! Warrior poses rule this class!

Chakra 4 – Air – Showing love for all of humanity, regardless. Loving Kindness meditation. Loving ourselves. Opening our hearts. Kindness and love. A favourite class for many kids.

Chakra 5 – EtherExpression & communication skills. It’s about speaking our own truth and being honest and open.

Chakra 6 – The Mind – Looking within ourselves. Using our intuition (it’s more easily available than many people realise) and imagination.

Chakra 7 – Self-knowledge and self-awareness leading to self acceptance.

Call 0402 970020 to book your child’s trial class.