Great Student Deal

Teen fitness over the holidays. Great deal for Pilates, Yoga and Booty Barre

New Year, New Classes 

Stay tuned for new classes coming in the new year Pilates Thursdays 9.30am Yoga Fridays 6am More Warrior  Circuits. 6am & 7am Teen Booty Barre  – Wednesdays 4.30pm Term 1 Register your interest to be notified when these classes...

Reminder This Sunday  Restorative Yoga  – Book now!

This is your last chance this year to soothe your soul at our chill out monthly class.  We start at 4pm for an hour of supported yoga postures where you will rest and re-energise while draped in yoga poses over bolsters, blankets, and foam bricks and even chairs. Then...
Identity and Authenticity 

Identity and Authenticity 

Imagine unzipping this skin, and stepping out of it. Underneath is a fresher ‘you’. A more authentic being, closer to the real you. Relax into this. If it feels good to stay here, appreciating a new freedom, stay.

Class Passes Extended over Xmas

Class passes extra value! We are staying open over Christmas but we wanted to give you more time to get to class. We are extending our pass time limits.