It’s not too late to join the group for Teen Yoga. Experienced teen teacher Nikki fuses the yoga postures with the energy meridians. During Summer she leads the group into lighter practices utilising the energy of Summer’s special gift – the energy of fire. This beautiful energy allows us to give and receive with warmth. The key areas of the body to work with this time of year are the heart, small intestine and pericardium (the function known as the ‘triple heater’) which regulates internal body temperature. When these organs are out of balance we can experience sluggish digestion, abdominal pain and watery diarrhoea. At the opposite end of the spectrum, excess heat can cause constipation and the heart imbalance can result in anxiety and sleep disturbances. When fire is balanced in our body we are able to give as well as receive joy, warmth, compassion and kindness.
Nikki is also expanding the groups relaxation sessions and teaching mindful meditation. Don’t we all wish we’d had this tool as a teenager! The ability to bring yourself into the ‘now’ is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others. It’s all good stuff. Contact us about booking in a trial class for your teen. Thursdays during term time  4.30pm