Did you know that by age 35 we are 95% run by our subconscious? Pretty much on autopilot?

That leaves us with only 5% to consciously make different choices, effect change and fulfil our New Year Resolutions.

Attend this free workshop if you would like to:

  1. Get simple practical tools for achieving your goals
  2. Learn about limiting beliefs that are stopping you
  3. Illuminate painful procrastination
  4. Know why motivation doesn’t work 
  5. Be healthier, eat better, exercise more, meditate, loose weight, be more successful etc

This workshop is for you if:

  1. You want more energy, happiness, clarity and balance
  2. You are ready for a change
  3. You are open to a new perspective
  4. You are committed to make 2019 the best year of your life

Natalia Stanley is an AKA accredited Holistic Kinesiologist and Mind & Body Medicine practitioner.  She is very passionate about supporting clients in their journey of self-discovery, educating them about healthy lifestyle, mind and body connection and nutrition. Natalia’s gentle and nurturing approach empowers clients to take responsibility for their physical and emotional wellbeing, which brings her clients a sense of freedom and purpose.

Date: Sunday February 17th
Times: 3-3.45pm
Pre-booking required: This workshop is set up as a free class so just register your name against this session.
More Info: Call Natalia on 0450 446 494