During next term for kids and teens specialist teachers will continue to weave in the yamas and niyamas (the ethical principals and guiding lights in yoga philosophy). The kids 5-8 will continue to enjoy the mixture of relaxation and creative adventures leading to different strengthening and stretching through each session. Kids yoga teacher Lucie says, “There are endless reasons why yoga is great for kids. But the most rewarding part for me, is seeing the confidence and focus that develops in just a few weeks.”

Our teen class continues to provide a solid and caring backbone of support to our participants. Led by our terrific teacher Krystal, and assisted by the amazing input of thoroughly dedicated teens. We are so happy for you to have discovered the treasure chest that is yoga at such a young age.

If you have kids aged 8-12, do register your interest.

Term 4 Dates:

Teens resumes Thursdays October 18th – Book here

Kids starts Mondays October 22nd  – Book here

Kids Yoga details:

  • 9 week term – $162.
  • 3.45-4.35pm
  • Pre booking essential.