Everybody’s Favourite Pilates Powerhouse Wendy shares this classic exercise which will soon get you super strong. Start easy and ramp it up with these three different options. Hit the floor now – It only takes a minute!



How to:

Pilates 1

  • Lie on your back in an extended position. Slide your feet in to bend your knees at 90 degrees. For level 2, raise your feet off the ground as in the second photo.

Pilates 2

  • To really ramp it up, take your legs out at an incline (photo 3)

Pilates 3

  • Exhale as you curl upper body and raise head via drawing the navel to the spine and the ribs to the hips. Arms at side are raised approximately 3″ from the floor, palms facing downwards
  • Inhale through the nose for 5 pumps of the arms, keeping the torso stable and the shoulders away from the ears
  • Exhale out through the mouth for 5 pumps of the arms
  • Continue the sequence until you have completed 10 cycles of breathing (ie. 100 arm pumps)
  • Maintain the head and neck in neutral spine position, without tension