….. and What’s Planned for 2017?

Update by our awesome tweens and teens teacher Jo.

Season’s Greetings to all of the families of the wonderful Tweens and Teens that have committed to a regular Yoga practice this year. It has honestly been an awesome experience and an absolute joy teaching these classes.

I have seen a shift in each and every one of them, even the ones that joined mid-term. Confidence has grown in the shyer students, they have all become stronger and more flexible physically (and I can only hope mentally), and they all give 110% to every class.

They have embraced new friendships which has been so lovely to witness, they have taught each other, they have encouraged and guided each other, and there have been lots of laughs along the way!

So! What’s planned for 2017 ……

My teaching inspiration for Term 1 will be a little more ‘scientific’ than our Chakra inspired T4. We will be working on particular areas of our physical bodies – our spine, joints and muscles as well as our organs and their function. We will also investigate some of our systems, from digestion through to nervous. With all of these topics of course, we will look at the amazing benefits that a regular yoga practice can have on the entire body.

Naturally, the values of connection with ourselves and one another, courage and self-esteem, gratitude and happiness hold a place within every term.

Finally, contact us if you want to attend a Yoga & Art Holiday Workshop throughout January whilst Teens & Tweens classes are on hold. 

Here’s to a fun-filled, safe and happy holiday season.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you all.