Slicing merrily into a red capsicum last week (because like Nigella Lawson I don’t really see the point of the green ones), I felt a sudden pain which accompanied the sudden loss of a whole chunk of fingernail. Those Global knives I am so proud of had just mirrored back to me my lack of mindfulness and I was left with a very sore finger, nailbed exposed. I didn’t know that nails can thicken up again – clever body – because just a few days later it is now band aid free and pretty much pain free too. But it is a reminder of what a crazy time December is. On the downside, painful reminders about mindfulness and presence, on the upside, that other aspect: presents.
I have enjoyed the delights of my eldest telling me emphatically and unprompted what a lovely mother I am. When I inquired further, it was mostly because I bought her things like, say, present s, ‘and sometimes expensive presents’ at that. With delight I observe how my eldest also knows that Santa at the preschool picnic is not the real Santa but a man with a dodgy beard, but thankfully she is still more than happy to believe in ‘the real one’.
December is such an interesting time. There is a natural split – wanting to be out and about enjoying the summer weather and longer days and the lure of parties and end of year events. Yet as I speed up to complete my (mostly self-imposed) end of year projects and finalise plans, the fatigue factor creeps in and feel out of puff. Do you recognise yourself here too??
So at this time, how do we get to enjoy both our worlds, inner and outer? It is possible to have both by staying connected to yourself. And we do this by slowing down and keeping up with those activities that feed our soul and keep us in the present moment. Sometimes, at crunch time, we may need to forgo that invitation. It’s hard when letting others down faces off with letting ourselves down. But it is important to choose wisely and be strong in your commitment to keep your mind and body in a happy balance. Do keep back a little time for yourself. My top tip for the month is to make time for one of our restorative yin yoga classes, Sundays at 4pm and Thursdays at 7.30pm. As the body slows, so too does the mind, and there it is for you – a natural time to nurture your soul.
– Christina