Our kindy daughter has become really keen to earn a bit of money and started asking which jobs she could do around the house. She is ready for pocket money. After some discussion with friends and a bit of googling we realised we wanted some of her official chores to be unpaid, just the things you do as a member of the family: Taking her plate back from the table, setting the table, helping load the dishwasher, folding and hanging up her clothes (our playroom tends to be a sad floordrobe). As a member of the family she would receive a set allowance and that if she wanted to earn some money there could be some less frequent and larger special jobs for her.
When we explained this all to her, she took a little while to understand that she wouldn’t have to actually do set jobs for her pocket money. She was expecting to have to work for her money (Ha! Here’s hoping that holds her in good stead later in life!!). The look of wonder on her face when she realised she didn’t have to was priceless. Delightfully she now calls her allowance, ‘the money I get just for being me’. It makes my heart sing. I am reluctant to teach my daughter the term ‘pocket money’ because I just adore hearing her talk about the money she gets just for being her.
I love it because it always reminds me of the things we should have just for being ourselves. Things that we actually don’t always have. As I told my Tuesday evening yoga students this week, feeling deeply and lusciously relaxed is your birthright. But how often do you feel that way?
So what are your birthrights?
Naturopathic school in the 80’s taught me these eight elements of healthy living.
The early naturopathic doctors advocated a prescription of exercise, sunshine, fresh air, good nutrition, prayer, constructive thinking, meditation and a positive mental attitude.
We who are so lucky to live on Sydney’s Northern Beaches find ourselves surrounded by these eight things. Even our Wintry days are often sunny and bright, and while our air quality could be better, we are so much better off than many.
Flying back from slightly chubbier England last month, how delightful to take in the salt air at Manly beach surrounded by trim, toned, tanned lycra clad fitness buffs.
I adore the Sunday growers market at Frenches Forest where you can get a great breakfast while buying your locally grown produce. Fantastic food options abound in Sydney, there is really no excuse for not enjoying healthy food here. (Ahem, I did discover some fabulous fudgy brownies at the growers market last week so I do like to keep in mind my favourite quote for nutrition, and most other things really: ‘Everything in moderation. Including moderation’.)
The last things are a bit more up to you, but again, easy to access from where we live. Meditation techniques abound, so find one that suits you. (Our Monday morning courses and do please ask if you want a short weekend course.)
If you don’t much like the idea of official prayers, you could just take time to connect each day with a higher ideal. It’s a nice thing to do at the start of a yoga practice or your day, to remind yourself where you are headed.
For constructive thinking and positive mental attitude, choose good friends, attend uplifting lectures, and minimize some of that current affairs intake. I do recommend you could throw a bit of Gratitude into the mix. List daily the things you are grateful for. As whatever we focus on tends to expand, this will set your thoughts in a positive direction. Gratitude will encourage the buds in your life to open into beautiful blossoms – Spring is near, dear people! And while you are at it, check out who you need to forgive. Holding on to resentment and anger (which my sister calls ‘disappointed love’) doesn’t do us any favours. As they say, to not forgive someone is like drinking poison yourself and expecting the other person to die. Don’t do it to yourself. Be a grown up, use the resources out there and do the work to let that stuff go.
– Christina