It’s interesting how we are living groundhog day yet our daily experiences can be very up and down.  I know last week seemed particularly hard for many. And today the premier told us the next two months will be challenging 🙁

In our group chat before Elaine’s Thursday class, we all shared the things we were doing to STAY SANE AND SERENE as we navigate this extended lockdown. This is a good time to share these positive ideas.

The first thing the group volunteered (that made my heart swell) was… CLASSES. Thank you for re-affirming to our teachers that we are indeed helping to support you! And we thank you so much for this support.

Linked to this was a GOOD ROUTINE. You know what that means for you personally. It’s a lot about regularity – Getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, getting out in the sun, staying active, and keeping your work/life balance through this unique phase. And just a note on alcohol consumption over lockdown, a wise friend said to me this week, ‘The more I feel like I want to drink, the less I should drink.’ If you notice your levels sneaking up (For a woman in Australia, 10+ drinks per week would put you in the heavy drinking category) please do reach out for support.

ACCEPTANCE was what one of our wise zoomies said. More exactly, she said ‘Not getting all twisted about it’ and I loved that word. Let’s keep our mindset out of a tight-contracted-twistedness that is so uncomfortable. Let’s face it. This is a lockdown we never really expected to have. So that’s why we have to defuse, and untwist and stay CLEAR, CALM and ON TRACK with a good daily rhythm.

CREATE VARIETY where you can to use freshness to head off lockdown fatigue. Take different routes on those long walks you’re doing, and move mindfully too. NOTICE THE LITTLE THINGS. The colour and textures, the insects, individual leaves, petals and cloud shapes. All of these things are life affirming. Given where we live, there really is no need for us to travel to some Greek Island to find beauty.

REIGNITE AN OLD HOBBY, (or create a new one) For Elaine, she has started painting. For me, it’s roller skating. (Yes, that’s me gliding clunkily up and down the cricket pitch in the local park.)

SMALL BUT WONDERFUL, is walking out to buy your daily coffee or chai. A chance for random social interaction, safely distanced, as you feel warm liquid comfort in your throat.

And last, but not least for my list to keep my day fresh, do try our special event classes. 80’s inspired Dance Cardio was BRILLIANT last Friday! (Let me know if you want the link as it’s valid ’til Wednesday!)